your innovative partner for GIS & broadband solutions

GIS & Breitbandlösungen

We shape the digital future

Digitalization is gradually changing our private and professional lives. It opens up new and varied opportunities for us to anchor positive progress in the centre of society in the long term. In order to master the digital change, we need a modern infrastructure that covers every aspect of daily life and business. We would like to play our part in making fast Internet access possible throughout the country.

Realworld ECHO specialises in network planning and large-scale data conversion projects with GIS software for nationwide and international telecommunications and other service providers. We are proud to be able to offer our customers innovative and customised solutions for network planning and efficient geodata management.

our partners


IQGeo bietet flexible Softwarelösungen und hilft uns bei der Erstellung einer automatisierten und effizienten Glasfaserplanung. Die  Zertifizierung unserer Planer von IQGeo trägt zur Beschleunigung des Prozesses für Glasfasernetze bei.


General Electric Energy

Realworld ECHO is recognised by GE Energy as a Solutions Provider for Smallworld GIS products and applicable GIS applications. Our employees are certified for Smallworld Core and applicable applications. We develop applications or specialist shells that can be used to handle a wide range of processes in different industries.


ECHOL@bs has a lot of experience in broadband infrastructure and services. They provide engineering and implementation services regarding carrier-grade NAT for IP networks, IP operations and IP services, in particular:

ECHO Broadband

ECHO Broadband is a close and reliable partner and provides us with additional resources, especially for the implementation of large data conversion projects. With offices in Malaysia, Ireland and the USA, this partnership enables us to respond individually to a wide variety of projects and thus work non-stop on a project.

Realworld ECHO maintains strategic partnerships with technology manufacturers and service companies, among other things to expand the current range of services and to increase market reach. In return, we offer you not only our many years of experience in the field of network planning but also our expertise, from which you can benefit as a partner. If we have aroused your interest in a partnership with Realworld ECHO, please contact us.


*mandatory fields


Data integration of as-built documentation into Smallworld PIN 4 to improve coax and fiber network data accuracy and enable network tracking

The project scope of work includes: 


Selection of the appropriate microwave transmission frequency and planning of the transmitter mast infrastructure in Switzerland

Evaluation of the network regarding the HLR/SS7 signal

Deutsche Telekom

Long-term cooperation on projects throughout Germany, especially in the fields of:

Project within the context of RF design as well as support in the application of the T-Mobile radio planning program PEGASOS for the GSM/UMTS network.

Virgin Media

UK: Data collection project with Intergraph FRAMME:

Installation and upgrade of the cable network in the United Kingdom:


Germany-wide documentation of A/B and VK lines as well as red corrections in Smallworld-GIS

Expansion of Internet via TV cable in North Rhine-Westphalia


FTTB Network Design Project in Cologne, Germany

Data recording for fiber optic and coaxial cable routes

UPC Ireland

UPC Ireland: Daten-Migration und Außendienstnetzwerk-Implementation

UPC Ireland: GIS-Datenbereinigung

UPC Ireland: Netzwerkplanung und Außendienstimplementation

Cegelec Luxembourg

Erfassung und technische Bewertung des Netzwerkes in Luxembourg


USA: Konvertierung von Daten in Smallworld PNI4.0


Germany Powerline Network Migration in ESRI ArcFM UT


USA: As-Built Migrationsprojekt mit Smallworld PNI4.0

Malaysia Gas

Malaysia: GIS Software Implementierung & Administration

Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd wird von ECHO bei der Smallworld Administration beraten:


WWL Operator in der Schweiz


Entwurf, Planung und Dokumentation der Glasfaserstrecken für das französische Autobahn- Signalanlagen-Netzwerk

Kabel Deutschland

Daten Erfassung und Migration in das Netzwerk Informations System


UMTS/DCS Lizenz Anwendung für Festnetz/WLL Operatoren

Kabel BW

Technische Planung zur Aufrüstung des Kabelnetzes in Baden-Württemberg


Grundlagenplanung und Management für die Aufrüstung des französischen Hybrid-fiber-Coax (HFC) Breitbandnetzwerkes


Leading a pilot project for Broastorm Bell Nexxia, in Vancouver Canada and CNC China Netcom in Beijing.

Hutchison Telecom

Review and evaluation of Hutchison Argentina's technical organization & network deployment.

Evaluation of a broadcasting network

Cegelec Luxembourg

Erfassung und technische Bewertung des Netzwerkes in Luxembourg